Wednesday, September 06, 2006

What if the Bubble is Real

If the bubble is real and real estate values tumble across the country one thing is for sure, people will still need housing of some sort. So how do you as a real estate investor profit in this type of climate. I think it's more important than ever to be positioned in a hot market. Sure the overall US market will have an effect on a hot market like Provo Utah for example, but if the economy stays strong in Provo then we investors should still be able to make a profit there and in other hot markets. There are still several hot markets in the US to invest in.
You should also consider buying silver, gold, foreign currencies and other investments your financial adviser can help you with. To have part of your wealth in investments that protect you from our falling US dollar is just plain smart. It also allows you to convert back to cash when the bargains appear in the next year or two.
I also like foreign investing more than ever. My properties in Costa Rica and New Zealand are appreciating well and should continue to do so. At the very least I expect them to hold steady if the US market goes down further. I encourage real estate investors here in North America to investigate opportunities in South America, Central America, Australia, New Zealand and Europe to diversify their real estate portfolios. My favorite resources for researching foreign real estate are and These sites report weekly covering several foreign countries on subjects such as, affordability, safety, health care, quality of life, real estate investing,and other criteria. Many North Americans have profited in foreign investing and will continue to do so. In the near future I will be organizing a buying tour of New Zealand. If you are interested in this tour please email me at for more info.

Remember, in any market there is money to be made, you just have to figure out how the playing field has changed.


Jared said...

I live in Provo and have family in Costa Rica. I've done a little RE investing, but I'd like to do it more full-time. I'd love to talk with you sometime about your ventures (and adventures) in Costa Rica as well as Utah. Contact me at

rwre said...

If you email me your phone number I'll give you a call. I could learn from you about your perspective of Provo since you live there.

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But two ways are now opened: the work of the second system either frees itself completely from the principle of pain and continues its course, paying no heed to the painful reminiscence, or it contrives to occupy the painful memory in such a manner as to preclude the liberation of pain.. He reflected with satisfaction that there were two Claiborne girls, and though Alicia was so stiff and prim that no boy would ever think of calling on her, there was still the hope that she might draw Ross's fire, and leave him, Abner, to make the numerous remarks he had stored up in his mind from Hints and Helps to Young Men in Social and Business Relations to Champe alone.. And to you, sir, gravely replied Mr.. Hallo! you little fool!' cried he impatiently, as he saw that I intended to make no reply.. He attended, among other occasions less public, the spring sessions of the supreme and county courts in the four adjoining counties: the guest of acquaintance old and new over there.. When the horse was on his feet, and all connection between the animal and the boat had been severed, Mr.. He, too, had seen the apparition.. Some one seemed to be waiting for him. Her eyes again answered that she expected he would, but she added, simply, When? In the course of a day or two, said the Colonel, quickly.. The end-stream of thought stocked with energy is under certain conditions able to draw to itself the attention of consciousness, through which means it then receives a surplus of energy.. There! It was out! He wished Margaret had stayed to hear him say it.. She was not a hard woman naturally.. I would subscribe ten dollars, but I would not speak a mill. You don't want to carry all that money around, do you? Gideon did not answer; he looked very gloomy.. If I choose to associate with any of them---- Jess so--jess so! broke in Jacobus.. Let us now seek the counterpart of the primary feeling of gratification, namely, the objective feeling of fear.. He then saw a dagger lying on the checker-board, an object belonging to his father, but transferred to the checker-board by his phantasy.. The fruit of his desire had turned to ashes in his mouth.. Matt Pike say he jes' know they's money in it, an' special with a housekeeper keerful an' equinomical like you.. Possibly he took up the far, faint tune that came from the straggling gang of negroes away off in the field, as they slowly chopped amid the threadlike rows of cotton plants which lined the level ground, for the melody he hummed softly and then sang strongly, in the quavering, catchy tones of a good old country churchman, was I'm glad salvation's free...

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