Friday, March 24, 2006

Real Estate Investing Isn't For Everyone

I love real estate investing. I'm sure I'll be participating in it the rest of my life. This is not true for many that are out there actively investing. Some get caught up in the recent craze of investing at a seminar and think they are now a real estate investor. One of the biggest attributes a real estate investor needs is the ability to keep emotions out of investing. Very few are truly able to do this. The problem is that when emotions go up intelligence goes down. This can result in bad buying or selling decisions. Real estate investing is a business that requires choosing agents, mortgage brokers and others carefully. I see some investors that use relitives for these specialties without interviewing for the job. I almost always interview two or more professionls for each new market I go into. Quite often when I see an investor that uses a relative for the job they end up paying too much or have problems with the deal using an inexperianced relative. One other attribute an experianced investor must have is being able to tame the fear that comes with buying property and pull the trigger on the deal. It's important to have the time to acquire the skills an investor needs throughout a carreer in investing. This does not mean 40 hours a week but you need the flexability to give a deal the time it needs to properly analyze it and to spend time and money on your education. Not every new investor is willing to do this when needed. If you don't really have these things needed to be a successful investor I suggest partnering with someone who does.

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